Breakout Session Proposal – TextSTAT

Robin Anne Reid

Department of Literature and Languages

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Commerce, TX 75429

THATCampOk 2016 Breakout Session: How to Use TextSTAT and Fan Sites

This proposal is for a TEACH session. NOTE: This will be a 2-part breakout session scheduled back-to-back

This session focuses on how to use a free and simple text analysis program called TextSTAT that I have been using several years on digital humanities projects. I define “digital humanities” as using existing (free) programs to develop my literary and cultural studies scholarship. TextSTAT can be used as a simple way to generate data about rhetorical choices on the word and phrase level for textual analysis. The program generates data on word frequency and combinations of words that can be easily exported to several different formats (Word.doc, Excel, .txt, and CVS) for analysis. Moreover, the program is easy to use (compared to other more complex text analysis programs).



Keyword Analysis


Fan sites

Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit

Participants will download the program to their own laptops and notebooks. The session will be primarily hands-on as we work with a text file (a small corpus) to explore the possibilities.

Information about and instructions for using TextSTAT as well as examples of output based on my current project on the reception of Tauriel can be found here:

Categories: Session: Make, Session: Teach |

About David Oberhelman

I am the English, Foreign Languages, Theatre, and Music subject specialist librarian at Oklahoma State University. I hold a PhD in English and a Master's in Library Science, and previously served on the English faculty of Texas Tech University. My research interests include digital humanities (especially in teaching), scholarly communication in the humanities, and in the literary field, J.R.R. Tolkien and British and American fantasy fiction.