Breakout Session: Beyond Gadgetology: Basic Concepts for Assessing the Limitations of Digital Methods

Thomas Carlson

Department of History, OSU

Description: Humanities scholars are trained to critique power relationships and representations, while technology practitioners are trained to optimize what computers do, but who might think critically about the limitations of applying digital methods to humanities scholarship?  And how might we do that?  The digital world is, by default, very tidy, while the real world is very messy, so to what degree can we use digital methods to investigate the world of human phenomena?  This session will propose a few basic concepts for assessing digital methods, and then we will discuss some common digital approaches in light of the concepts proposed.


Categories: Session: Talk |

About David Oberhelman

I am the English, Foreign Languages, Theatre, and Music subject specialist librarian at Oklahoma State University. I hold a PhD in English and a Master's in Library Science, and previously served on the English faculty of Texas Tech University. My research interests include digital humanities (especially in teaching), scholarly communication in the humanities, and in the literary field, J.R.R. Tolkien and British and American fantasy fiction.