LA Review of Books series on DH

For those who haven’t yet seen the LA Review of Books series on digital humanities, you might want to take a look at some of those articles/interviews as food for thought going into Friday’s discussions and planning for Saturday’s sessions. There is a main interview series, but there are also related pieces. A mid-series post in their “Cultural Studies” section posited ties between DH and neoliberalism, and that spawned multiple responses, including essays by Juliana Spahr, Richard So, and Andrew Piper, Roopika Risam, and others. Matthew Kirschenbaum also wrote a great piece that refuses to let itself be linked here… but it can be found at under “@mkirschenbaum.”

Categories: Blogging, Research Methods |

About mary.larson

I'm an oral historian who has been working with digital dissemination of interviews since 1991, back in the day when God was a child, dinosaurs roamed the earth, and we were ecstatic to have 32 mb of RAM. I'm happy that I now get to play with faster computers and larger file sizes and that it doesn't take three tries anymore to burn a CD because of slow transfer speeds. As someone who resides during work hours in a library, I'm a firm believer in Stephen Ramsay's Screwmeneutical Imperative. There is so much wonderful information out there for wallowing about in, and I'm interested in making it as available as possible, with lots of added contextualization to enhance its usefulness.